I can't believe that it has been almost a year that I have been blogging. I remember I was so nervous to write my first post because I didn't think that I would get far.......well look now! I have met so many people in the blogging community and worked with some amazing authors. I am forever grateful for all of you guys. It has grown so much that Candie has joined as another blogger :)). Thanks Candie!!
So what is a anniversary without gifts?!?!
This giveaway is open to U.S. and International. Thanks to those amazing authors that I have met through blogging they are donating signed copies of some of their books and ebooks. These are the books that I have reviewed this year. I broke down the different giveaways so you can chose which one you want.
The first set is open for U.S. It is for $10 Amazon Gift Card, A custom tote by Becca from Pivot Book Totes and signed copies of Connor by Dormaine G and Blinded By the Light w/bookmarks by Joe Kipling.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The second set is open for U.S. It is for signed copies of The Girl (bk1) and The Boy (bk2) by Madhuri Blaylock
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Third set is U.S.
Ebook copies of Spellbound (bk1) and Firebound (bk2) by Tricia Drammeh
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This next set is International Giveaway. $10 Amazon Gift card and signed paperback copy of Regina: The Monster inside by D.M. Singh
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The final set is International (ebooks) There will be six winners. There are three copies of Djnn. Comment which series/or sets that you want.
The Seance by Tricia Drammeh
The Girl (bk1) and The boy (bk2) by Madhuri Blaylock
Djinn by Laura Catherine (3 copies)
Connor by Dormaine G.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks so much for everything!!! ;))))))))))
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