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Book Spotlight: Language in the Blood by Angela Lockwood

Book Spotlight:
Language in the Blood by Angela Lockwood

Language in the Blood
by Angela Lockwood

Edited by Penny Hunter

Cameron Blair was born in 1895 in Edinburgh. He would have liked nothing better than to have married his fiancĆ©e Fiona and to have had the occasional pint with his friends, but the war and a stupid vampire changed all that. This light-hearted story follows Cameron from his first days as a hapless vampire in war-torn France to the glamour and riches of the CĆ“te dā€™Azur of the present day, where Cameron has developed a taste for small dogs and champagne-infused blood.

Until the outbreak of the First World War, young Cameron Blair would have liked nothing better than to stay in Edinburgh and marry his childhood sweetheart. As the call to arms goes out, Cameron and his pals sign up to fight for their country. They are soon delivered into the nightmare of war, and there Cameron more than meets his maker.

The story follows Cameron as he comes to terms with his new ā€˜lifeā€™, from his first days as a hapless vampire in war-torn France to the glamorous modern day setting of the CĆ“te dā€™Azur. Along the way, he develops a distinctive taste for the finer things in life: jewels, yachts, small dogs and champagne-infused human...

About the author
Angela Lockwood-van der Klauw was born in the Netherlands. She learned her trade as a jeweller and gemmologist at the Vakschool Schoonhoven before moving to Edinburgh as an apprentice jeweller. There she met and later married her husband Adam. Angela ran her own jewellerā€™s shop in Edinburgh for ten years before she and her husband moved to the south of France in 2011. Like Cameron, Angela prefers the climate there, but often thinks about the town she left behind and its people.

Cameronā€™s story was born in the spring of 2013, a very wet spring during which Angela found herself climbing the walls, frustrated that she couldnā€™t go out and have her usual long walks along the seafront. Seeing his wifeā€™s frustration, Adam suggested ā€˜Why donā€™t you write a book?ā€™

Angela thought about it for a few days, then switched on her laptop and started writing. This is her first book.


You can get this book for free when you click on this link to Amazon. 


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